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Stain reagents

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Eosin Alc H&E counterstain concentrate - S0302£19.69

Eosin Y 1% Alc H&E counterstain - S0320£5.55  -  £101.90

Fuchsin acid stain - S0370£6.00  -  £9.75

Giemsa stain - routine blood stain - S0390£5.20  -  £12.80

Giemsa rapid - S0391£8.70

Gram crystal violet - S0250£3.90  -  £11.00

Gram Fuchsin reagent - S0135£3.45  -  £112.50

Gram iodine - S0140£4.40  -  £13.00

Gram neutral red - S0921£3.44  -  £15.62

Gram Safranine - S1240£3.45  -  £112.50

Haematoxylin - Mayers haemalum (Acc. Mayer) - S0430£9.50  -  £90.00

Haematoxylin Delafields (modified) - S0450£7.60  -  £137.50

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GCC Diagnostics
