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Biological Stains

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Fuchsin basic (Schiff) - D0860£7.25  -  £62.50

Fuchsin basic ZN - D0850£5.75  -  £52.50

Gallocyanin - D0880£23.15

Giemsa stain - D0890£22.00  -  £75.00

Grams Iodine compound - D0900£4.40  -  £25.00

Haemalum Mayer - D0930£18.75  -  £210.00

Haematin - D0910£37.50

Haematoxylin - D0920£25.00  -  £550.00

Haematoxylin Harris compound - D0960£17.50  -  £235.00

Indigo carmine - D0970£7.50  -  £55.00

Janus Green B - D0990£20.65  -  £43.75

Jenners stain - D1000£9.75  -  £30.00

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GCC Diagnostics
