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Stain reagents

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Light Green Stain Alcoholic - S0620£4.80  -  £6.75

Lugols Iodine reagent - S0650£4.90  -  £15.90

Malachite green 0.5% Aq - S0670£5.50  -  £18.00

Martius Yellow - PTA Sat. Alcoholic - S0663£7.75  -  £11.40

Martius Yellow Sat. Alcoholic - S0662£7.30  -  £13.55

Metanil yellow (Mucin method counterstain) - S0673£4.75

Methyl blue-eosin reagent (Mann) - S0710£5.75

Methyl-Green Pyronin (MGP) - S0720£16.00

Methylene blue 0.3% Aq TB counterstain - S0830£3.40  -  £77.50

Methylene Blue 1% Alcoholic - S0800£3.40  -  £77.50

Methylene Blue 1% Aqueous - S0790£3.45  -  £77.50

Mucicarmine reagent - Mayers - S0850£34.00  -  £110.00

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